Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Bollywood vs Hollywood

Indians are doing great work in the field of IT and other technical sectors  in the world. But what happens to us when it comes to movies? Where we are lacking? Don't we have technology/idea used in hollywood?  Our Bollywood movies still depends on the subjects like Drama, Romance, comedy and family related stuffs whereas Hollywood taking lead in subjects like suspense, science fictions, space etc. Our Indian Film Industry is considered as the largest film producer in the world. And bollywood is considered as the largest film industry in India. In India, i think south film industry is much better than Bollywood. I would like to appreciate the work done by the south film makers and actors. Really they are doing tremendous work in making movies. Films like Bhaubali, Magaddheera etc did exceptionally well. But in India Bollywood is ruling as it is the biggest among all film making industry in India.

Bollywood movies are typically base on Indian culture and love. Now a days, directors are more focusing on real life stories. Directors are doing some great work by making films on some burning issues of our country. But we are still lagging way behind from Hollywood. Hollywood directors make movies on fictions, science. They do lots of use of technology and directs classy films in different fields. They do serious movies too and direct comedy too. Whatever they direct, they do their work at different levels. Our producers in bollywood are still depend on very few actors. They afraid from taking risk by selecting topics like fictions. Our Producers are happy in taking Salman khan and shot his one scene shirtless and do release his film on EID. Bhaijaan ki Movie aa gayi and we all get mad. Why we,as public or viewers, don't want to watch something different. Something different means what we haven't seen in so many years. Why do not we promote movies made on fictions, imaginations and so on.

Bollywood on an average makes 1000 movies per year whereas hollywood is around 610. But revenue generated from 610 movies of Hollywood is far more than the revenue generated by 1000 bollywood movies. Our Bollywood movies only revolves aound love, love songs and extra drama, Bollywood directors first choose actors and then think about the movie. In hollywood case, the scene is completely reversable. Hollywood directors directs movie with less songs and precisely short. They don;t want to waste the time of viewers. But the case is different in terms of Bollywood. Our directors have enough time as same case with our viewers.
One best thing about Bollywood actors is, they show the emotions on stage and Hollywood actors hide the emotions on stage.  So i would like to convey one message to all the readers, please don't watch such emotional bollywood movies. Start encouraging directors so that they can work on Some good fiction movies. We should start diverting the money of producers in making of excellent movies.
Love to watch some great fiction movie made in India!

Image source- Google images


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