Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Comparison- Let's avoid it

Once Upon a time, there was a crow in the forest, he was very happy because he didn't have any desires. He was satisfied with his life, but once he saw a swan in the forest and started thinking about how beautiful this creature is, such a creature i have never seen before! so clean and white. He is very white and beautiful in this forest, so he will be very happy.

Crow went to Swan and asked, bro you are so beautiful, so you will be very happy? On this Swan responded, yes I was very happy before, until I had not seen the parrot. Since seeing it, it seems that the parrot is the most beautiful creature in the earth. The body of both of us has only one color but the parrot has two-two colors on the body, the red circle of his neck and he has a green color, in truth he was very beautiful.

Now Crow thought that swan is telling the parrot as the most beautiful, then he needs to see it. The crow went to parrot and asked, bro you will be so happy as you get two colors? Parrot replied, yes i was happy till i had not seen peacock. Peacock has multiple colors whereas i only have two.

Crow tried to find the peacock in the forest but he couldn't find him. He find him in Zoo and there is a lot of crowd around him. Crow asked to peacock same question on happiness. Peacock replied sadly, what difference does it make even if i am beautiful? People keep me in Zoo for their own enjoyment but you can roam anywhere freely wherever you want. Therefore, you should be the most satisfied and happy creatures of the world because you are free. The Crow was shocked, because the importance of his life was revealed by someone else.

Friends, we also do the same. We compare our happiness and qualities to others, whose living conditions differs greatly from us. There are many things in our life which are only with us, but we are not happy to understand its importance. Small happiness of others look bigger and because of this we ignore our big happiness. Always value what God has given to us.

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